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a Virtual Migrants production in collaboration with Banner Theatre

only £9.99 incl. p+p

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Immigration and asylum in Britain:

An educational CD-ROM which introduces the issues and connects specific experiences with a range of contexts designed to help focus the current debates by providing first hand information on the issues.

A Virtual Migrants production created by Kuljit "Kooj" Chuhan and Aidan Jolly

REVISED EDITION now released - includes a number of lesson/workshop plans, and compatible with all PC operating systems (unfortunately it no longer works on the recent Mac operating systems).

'We Are Here Because…' is designed to help focus the current debate by providing first hand information on the issues. It is the first and only educational CD-ROM dealing with immigration and asylum - one of the most burning subjects today.  Together with video and audio interviews with asylum seekers themselves, expert witnesses provide the context for why people need to flee from economic and political conditions caused by globalisation. Two further sections explain the basic concepts necessary to understand the issues, and how to set up campaigns to support asylum seekers. All this is rounded off with further reading sources, web links, a dynamic original soundtrack and plentiful images and photographs.

This CD-ROM has been designed for GCSE level students and above. It can also be used to support the work of campaigning groups and asylum seekers' support groups, and in other informal and community settings.  It is intended as an introduction to the issues.  It will suit teachers at secondary level looking for material for citizenship classes, development educationalists, campaigning groups, and asylum seeker and refugee support groups who wish to affirm the struggles and experiences of asylum seekers and refugees everywhere.  Check our web-site for workshop and exercise ideas.

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"A long awaited educational tool which creates a better understanding of the explosive phenomenon of people struggling to gain legal status in Britain"
- Arun Kundnani, Institute of Race Relations.

"As teachers, we know we have a responsibility to dispel the myths and lies that are gathering around immigration and asylum. Here is an excellent resource to help us do just that. We Are Here provides accessible, well supported and thought provoking material for Secondary Schools and youth groups. All young people should see and use this - all schools should buy a copy."
- Jane Nellist, Coventry Teacher and NUT Secretary

"I felt that the whole tone was straightforward and non-patronizing so I could definitely see myself using it with youth groups with which I have been associated"
- Ursula Sharma, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit.

"We Are Here is an invaluable resource for secondary schools, clearly setting out the context and the issues that face families who are seeking political asylum in the UK. The content is easily accessible for young people and could form the basis of a PSHE lesson."
- Pinaki Ghoshal, Head of Manchester Ethnic Minority Achievement Service.

There are five key areas covered by this CD-ROM:
- Immigration & Deportation.  A basic introduction to the range of factors which are central
to the subject, covering deportation, injustice, human rights, global
inequality and racism.
- Campaigns.  What is a campaign?  Why do people campaign?  How to organise one.  Some past campaigns.  And various links and resources.
- Eyewitness.  Live accounts from a number of Refugees and asylum seekers.
- Context.  Various interviews giving critical background and historical perspectives.
- Educational Resources.  An interactive list of some 40 keywords along with their dictionary definition and related concept.

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Minimum Technical Specifications:

        Windows 95; 100mhz Pentium processor; 16Mb RAM; 4 speed CD-ROM drive;
        16-bit soundcard and speakers; SVGA display with 256 colours (thousands preferred)

Macintosh: (NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with recent Mac OS systems - please enquire if you still want to try using this CD-ROM on an Apple Mac running an earlier Mac OS)
        System 7.6.1 or higher; 68040 Processor or higher (33mhz or higher);
        256 colours (thousands preferred); 2 speed CD-ROM drive

PRICE:  now only £9.99 including postage/packing (in UK - see order page for Europe and Worldwide charges)

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Further reading list:  (some of these were omitted from the first few copies of the original version)

Benjamin Zephaniah, "Refugee Boy" (Bloomsbury, 2001)

Beverley Naidoo, "The Other Side Of Truth" (Penguin, 2000)

Alan Gibbons, "A Fight To Belong" (Save The Children, 1999)

Marion Molteno, "The Shield Of Coolest Air" (Shola, 1992)

John Berger and Jean Mohr, "A Seventh Man" (Penguin, 1975)

Tony Kushner and Katharine Knox, "Refugees In An Age Of Genocide" (Frank Cass, 1999)

Steve Cohen, "Immigration Controls, the Family and the Welfare State" (Jessica Kingsley, 2001)

"Roots Of Racism" series of booklets and the "Homebeats" CD-ROM published by the Institute of Race Relations (see Organisations). Also check their current and back issues of "Race and Class" and the CARF magazine.

Peter Fryer, "Staying Power - The History of Black People in Britain" (Pluto Press, 1984). Also the more accessible "Aspects of Black History" (Index Books, 1993) by the same author.

Malcolm Waters, "Globalization" (Routledge, 1995)

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